AMATEUR UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)
AIM:-To construct an AMATEUR UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), for surveillance at small level and have an auto-pilot flight for the desired mission .
PROJECT SPECIFICATION:-An Aero-model with a auto-pilot kit that will be made by me. Presently working on its PCB layout and theory of different parts.Kit will include:-1) At-mega1282) Gps3) Gyroscope4) Xyz horizon sensor or accelerometer5) pitot tube6) Camera and zigbee-pro.7) Compass (for direction).8) A software to track wave point on our system (integrating Google earth with gps) or GCS(ground control station.)
THEORY:-Kit will be programmed with win-avr programmer using embedded C programming language. Project will be carried out in 4 steps.1) Developing the electronics using eagle-pro pcb layout development software.2) Developing the programming needed for auto-pilot mode.3) Testing the programming during flight only.4) Developing the programming for auto Take off and landing.
AIM BHIND PROJECT:-Our aim behind this project is to enhance our knowledge in ROBOTICS AND AEROMODELLING and to learn the technical skills and how to implement them in our practical life beside lab practicals.Our aim is to built a fully ARMY purpose PRE-PROGRAMMED/MANUALLY controlled SPY aircraft that also has the ability to strike in the enemy territoryPresently India is spending about 1180 crore rupees in importing UAV’s from Israel and America, butIndia doesn’t have the complete technology or may be have like LAKSHYA (developed by HAL). But we are introducing very new not very precise but basic concept with less investment.
1)It will be not be made on industrial scale and will be a research cum project cum hobby.2)It is not powered by a jet or a reciprocating engine.3)Low speed.4)Range of operation is less.5)Cannot carry more weight.6)Camera resolution and accuracy is less.Many new applications can be added to it in the futre to make it more advance and accurate
PRACTICAL IMPLIMENTATION:-Watching the news of KARGIL war in T.V. make me to think that when we have one of the best institutes and brains with us than why we are using man power in wars. At that time a point strikes in my mind that why not we make a small aero-model that too have the capability of spy as well as striker in it.Infact India has got UAV’s but we are just implementing our technology at very basic and small level.A movie named as “EAGLE EYE” is also my source of inspiration. This movie shows the basic use of UAV as a spy and striker.So this model can be used in the following cases if integrated on a little bit large scale using bigger airframe and more efficient reciprocating engine to increase its payload:-1) Remote sensing2) Transport3) Scientific research4) Armed attacks5) Search and rescueOriginality/value:-Project has been approved by one of the Assistant professor of IITKDr. Priya Ranjan and I am working under his mentor ship as well as under mine ckollege lecturer 
Mr.Avinash Pal.

Recent works:-
DATE:- 10 june The great crash.

while testing the Flying of aeromodel, we were testing the aeromodel under the high wind,but what we approximated was totallywrong,for the starting of the aeromdoel first of all our Sparkplug fails,because it was not properly charged,and than when on the third take,our aeromodel start,on the ground it automatically turn towards right to to high wing and on the 5th take,when we were on full thrust,and take of from the groung opposite to the wind,and our aeromodel approximately reached at the height of 5 mts a high wind stroke struck the aeromodel and threw the aeromodel on the ground .Aeromodel struck the ground and the total impact was on propler,it broked into 2 pices while the horizontal stabilizer also broked.


PHASE 1st completed.

PHASE 1st:-
on the last day of our BTECH in CEST,Lucknow we completed the PHASE 1st of our project under the effective guidance of our guide Mr.Avinash Pal.
Main aim of our project was to flew the aeromodel under the manual control equipped with WIRELESS cameras having effective range of 300 m which is being improved by the team member Garima kushwaha using the YAGI UDA anteena for surveillance purpose  and also equipped with GPS and XBEE for locating the position of aeromodel on the google earth using HK GCS(Ground control station).
Test aeromodel for PROJECT "SURYAAN"
SKYSPOT RF remote for manuall controll



AMATEUR UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)

AIM:-To construct an AMATEUR UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), for surveillance at small level and have an auto-pilot flight for the desired mission .

An Aero-model with a auto-pilot kit that will be made by me. Presently working on its PCB layout and theory of different parts.Kit will include:-
2) Gps
7) Compass (for direction).
8) A software to track wave point on our system (integrating Google earth with gps) or GCS(ground control station.)

Kit will be programmed with win-avr programmer using embedded C programming language. Project will be carried out in 4 steps.
1) Developing the electronics using eagle-pro pcb layout development software.
2) Developing the programming needed for auto-pilot mode.
3) Testing the programming during flight only.
4) Developing the programming for auto Take off and landing.

Our aim behind this project is to enhance our knowledge in ROBOTICS AND AEROMODELLING and to learn the technical skills and how to implement them in our practical life beside lab practicals.
Our aim is to built a fully ARMY purpose PRE-PROGRAMMED/MANUALLY controlled SPY aircraft that also has the ability to strike in the enemy territory
Presently India is spending about 1180 crore rupees in importing UAV’s from Israel and America, but
India doesn’t have the complete technology or may be have like LAKSHYA (developed by HAL). But we are introducing very new not very precise but basic concept with less investment.


1)It will be not be made on industrial scale and will be a research cum project cum hobby.
2)It is not powered by a jet or a reciprocating engine.
3)Low speed.
4)Range of operation is less.
5)Cannot carry more weight.
6)Camera resolution and accuracy is less.
Many new applications can be added to it in the futre to make it more advance and accurate

Watching the news of KARGIL war in T.V. make me to think that when we have one of the best institutes and brains with us than why we are using man power in wars. At that time a point strikes in my mind that why not we make a small aero-model that too have the capability of spy as well as striker in it.
Infact India has got UAV’s but we are just implementing our technology at very basic and small level.
A movie named as “EAGLE EYE” is also my source of inspiration. This movie shows the basic use of UAV as a spy and striker.
So this model can be used in the following cases if integrated on a little bit large scale using bigger airframe and more efficient reciprocating engine to increase its payload:-
1) Remote sensing
2) Transport
3) Scientific research
4) Armed attacks
5) Search and rescue
Project has been approved by one of the Assistant professor of IITK Dr. Priya Ranjan and I am working under his mentor ship as well as under mine ckollege lecturer Mr.Avinash Pal.

Recent works:-
DATE:- 10 june The great crash.
while testing the Flying of aeromodel, we were testing the aeromodel under the high wind,but what we approximated was totallywrong,for the starting of the aeromdoel first of all our Sparkplug fails,because it was not properly charged,and than when on the third take,our aeromodel start,on the ground it automatically turn towards right to to high wing and on the 5th take,when we were on full thrust,and take of from the groung opposite to the wind,and our aeromodel approximately reached at the height of 5 mts a high wind stroke struck the aeromodel and threw the aeromodel on the ground .Aeromodel struck the ground and the total impact was on propler,it broked into 2 pices while the horizontal stabilizer also broked.


Safe landing of medium scale amateur vehicles

A crosswind landing is a landing manoeuvre in which a significant component of the prevailing wind is perpendicular to the runway centerline.
SignificanceAircraft in flight are subject to the direction of the winds in which the aircraft is operating. For example, an aircraft in flight that is pointed directly north along its longitudinal axis will, generally, fly in the that northerly direction. However, if there is a west wind in the air in which the aircraft is flying, then the actual trajectory of the aircraft will be slightly to the east of north. If the aircraft was landing on a northbound runway, it would need to compensate for this easterly component of velocity caused by the west crosswind.
B-52 performing a crab landing having nose pointed toward incoming wind, but undercarriage aligned along the runwayIn situations where a crosswind is present, the aircraft will adopt a yaw orientation with respect to the runway and will drift laterally as it approaches the runway. These pose significant safety issues when safe operation of the undercarriage requires the body and the velocity of the aircraft to be aligned with the runway at touch down. The landing gear on theB-52 included an unusual feature to counteract the problem: all landing gear bogies could be steered, allowing the aircraft to land with the wheels facing the direction of travel even if the nose was not pointed in the same direction.To meet these conflicting requirements, three standard procedures are used for executing a safe landing in a cross wind situation. These landings are called the Crab, De-Crab and Sideslip techniques.

If the crosswind landing is not executed safely, the aircraft may experience wingstrike, where a wing hits the runway. TechniquesThe following guidelines are advised by Boeing for a crosswind landing. These guidelines assume steady wind (no gusting). These winds are measured at 10 m (33 feet) tower height for a runway 45 m (148 feet) in width. Basically, there are 3 landing techniques which may be used to correct for cross winds: De-Crab, Crab, and Sideslip.De-Crab

The objective of this technique is to maintain wings level and the aircraft position near the runway centerline during approach. The nose points into the wind so that the aircraft approaches the runway slightly skewed with respect to the runway centerline (crabbing). This gives the impression of approaching the runway flying sideways, which can be disorienting for the pilot. Position is maintained by balancing the crosswind component, or more accurately the drag force arising from it, with engine thrust. Wings are maintained level throughout the approach. Just before the flare, opposite rudder (downwind rudder) is applied to eliminate the crab, with a simultaneous application of opposite aileron to maintain a wings-level attitude, so that at touch down, the body, velocity vector, and bank angle are all aligned with the runway, and the aircraft is positioned near the center.

The airplane can land using crab only (zero side slip) up to the landing crosswind guideline speeds.
On dry runways, upon touchdown the airplane tracks towards the upwind edge of the runway while de-crabbing to align with the runway. Immediate upwind aileron is needed to ensure the wings remain level while rudder is needed to track center line. The greater the amount of crab at touchdown, the larger the lateral deviation from the point of touchdown. For this reason, touchdown in a crab only condition is not recommended when landing on a dry runway.
On very slippery runways, landing the airplane using crab only reduces drift towards the downwind side of a touchdown, and may reduce pilot workload since the airplane does not have to be de-crabbed before touchdown. However, proper rudder and upwind aileron must be applied after touchdown to ensure directional control is maintained.

This sideslip crosswind technique is to maintain the aircraft's heading aligned with the runway centerline. The initial phase of the approach is flown using the Crab technique to correct for drift. The aircraft heading is adjusted using rudder and ailerons to align with the runway. This places the aircraft at a constant sideslip angle, which its natural stability will tend to correct. Sufficient rudder and aileron must be applied continuously to maintain the sideslip at this value. The dihedral action of the wings has a tendency to cause the aircraft to roll, so aileron must be applied to check the bank angle.
With a slight residual bank angle, a touchdown is typically accomplished with the upwind main wheels touching down just before the downwind wheels. Excessive control must be avoided because over-banking could cause the engine nacelle or outboard wing flap to contact the runway/ground.
In strong crosswind conditions, it is sometimes necessary to combine the crab technique with the sideslip technique.



hello every body,

Me back again with some information , some quaries for you .

So basically what is PID loop?
It is Proportional, integral, derivative loop for any control situation in any industary ,device ,or any machine that need a precise working and caliberation to perform a very specific and important work in which a small error can lead to a loss and damage and irregularity in the desired output.

Just like if we take a example of a PID loop application in robotic arm which is used in PICK AND PLACE department in an industry.
and it work in autonomous has to pick a boul filled with hot chemical at 0degree(lets assume its initial position).and has to pour 50 ml of it in another boul placed at 60 degree and at 15 cm height.
so a PID lop must have some input from different sensors ,on which it will work, a microprocessor or CPU which will manipulate the inputs and will generate the desired output.

sensor 1= A digital compas which will give orientation of the arm in XY plane ,
sensor 2= a accelerometer and gyroscope which will give output along the height of the robotic arm .
a touch sensitive device which will sense the height of liquid in the boul .

now we had some specific PID loop terms that are need to be specify here.

Sensing the orientation along the XY plane,height and level of water is analogous to taking a measurement of the process value or process variable (PV).
The desired rotaion angle along XY plane ,along vertical plane and height of chemical in boul is called the setpoint (SP).
The input to the process is called the manipulated variable (MV).
The difference between the PV and the setpoint is the error (e), that quantifies whether the proper action has been taken place or not.

so here is the application of all the specific is the starting of the PID loop appliaction takes place.

In the very next blog i will discuss the theory and thinking behind the process which take place in controlling the robotic arm .


working with gps,using XCTU,MAX232,female serial to serial convertor,and atmega16 kit

female to male to usb covertor along with RS232
output of GPS on XCTU

Hello everybody,
so myself in BRiCS working out with mine GPS Receiver for getting the data on my LCD screen so that i can save the LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE ,VELOCITY<DAE and TIME in some variable so that i can further use them in my MAIN programme as a INPUT in HAVERSINE formula for finding out the distance(D) and bearing(A) between 2 GPS coordinates.well i am trying out some codes using WINAVR and ECLIPSE on JAVA platform.well i had done a little work in gps,but i am trying mine level best to short out this problem.well need help if any one can,in coding.#include<avr/io.h>

int main()

{ int ptr=0;
char A[20]="";
char ii;
return 0;



Ready with mine hand made MAX232,to be added with GPS and serial to USB convertor.So for my project i am ready with a handmade MAX232 circuit.
One more step close to my project but still very far away
Some information regarding MAX232 from its datasheet.
Meet or Exceed TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU
Recommendation V.28
�� Operate With Single 5-V Power Supply
�� Operate Up to 120 kbit/s
�� Two Drivers and Two Receivers
�� ±30-V Input Levels
�� Low Supply Current . . . 8 mA Typical
�� Designed to be Interchangeable With
Maxim MAX232
�� ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22
– 2000-V Human-Body Model (A114-A)
�� Applications
Battery-Powered Systems

As RS232 is such a common protocol there is a dedicated IC designed for this purpose of "Level Conversion". This IC is MAX232 from Maxim. By using charge pumps it generates high voltages(12V) and negative voltages(-12V).
Things you needS.NoItemValueQty1MAX232 IC12Capacitors10uF43
14DB9 Female Connector15General Purpose PCB16Some Wires--
and a little bit of soildering practice.



READY WITH GPS DATA IN EXACT FORMAT ON XCTUSo all done with receiving POSITION data on XCTU using MAX232 home made circuit,7805 voltage regulator(I/P>6v,O/P=5v),serial to usb connector,and DB9 male to DB9 female connector.
so what i had done is that i had made a self made MAX232 circuit,using 10 microfarad capacitor instead of 1 and had used exactally 5v supply for gps and max232 IC by using a 7805 voltage regulator.



gyroscope connected to the ATMEGA16 and LCD for displaying the value

So one more step closer to mine project,well still very far behind.well i am using LY510AH ±100 °/ Second, ±400 °/ Second Analog Yaw-Rate Gyroscope Module for my AMATEUR UAV.

Introduction:LY510AH is a single axis Yaw rate gyroscope module which gives maximum sensing rangeof ±100 degrees per second and ±400 degrees per second. It gives normal and 4 timesamplified Yaw rate output. Board has all the necessary components required for the chip.Board made up of high quality silver plated double sided PCB for giving extra strength to theconnectors. Possible applications of this board includes inertial navigation, GPS navigation,motion tracking, industrial and robotics, pointing devices, remote and game controllers,motion control with user interface etc.
• Analog Absolute angular-rate output at ±100 °/ sec and ±400 °/ sec
• Two separates outputs(1X and 4X amplified )
• Internally buffered to ensure low output impedance on output signals
• Embedded Self-Test, which allows testing electrical and mechanical parts of the sensor
• High stability over temperature
• High shock and vibration survivability
• High quality silver plated double sided PCB for giving extra strength to the connectorsSpecification
• Supply voltage (Vdd): 2.7V to 3.6V, 5mA
• Sensitivity on the yaw-rate output pin 4xOUTZ (4 times amplified output): 10 mV/degrees/ sec (±100 degree / sec)
• Sensitivity on the yaw-rate output pin OUTZ: 2.5 mV/ degree /sec (±400 degree / sec)
• Steady state position output: OUTZ : 1.23V (±10%)4xOUTZ : 1.23V (±10%)
• Bandwidth: 140Hz.
• Self-Test checking for checking chip functionality
• Power-down option

well i am still working on converting that ADC value into corresponding mv degree /sec value.and after that the next step will be taking the X,Y,Z acelerometer value on LCD and then combining both these value with a algo to get the accurate elivation of the KIT with respect to the earth.


FINDING OUT THE EFFECT OF WIND VECTOR ON UAV:- How much it effect the movement of uav if neglected on small scale

IntroductionDrag is the resistance to motion of an aircraft flying through the air generated by a combination of pressure and friction. This resistance is overcome by the engines.
Modern civil aircraft are designed to minimise drag in order to reduce the environmental and economic costs of flying. By reducing drag, the amount of power needed from the engines is lessened and as a result the amount of fuel required is also reduced. Less fuel means a lower environmental impact and lower costs for the airline.
Aircraft manufacturers can reduce drag in a number of ways – be it with a subtle change in geometry like adding a winglet or a more substantial change of configuration like changing the shape of the wings or repositioning the engines.The Role of Wind TunnelsWind tunnels play a crucial role in the design of modern, greener aircraft. Improvements to aircraft designs are initially made using computer models. But even the most powerful of today’s computers cannot generate a perfect simulation of the air flowing around a complete aircraft. So when a design is sufficiently advanced, it is tested in a wind tunnel to check that the computer predictions are correct and that the designers have correctly understood what is happening to the air as it flows around the aircraft model.


In mine project when i use to talk about the wind vector i think its a useless thing for mine project.As its a fact that it play a important role in determining the aerodynamical model of the plane through which the consumption of the fuel can be reduced to much extent.

But as far as i am concern regarding mine project,when we are using the pre-prepared aeromodel for our project it is useless to find out the drag force or wind vector that has been applied on the aircraft.Infact finding out the wind vector is also important in determining the inclination of the aeromodel with respect to the earth inertial frame of reference if the wind vector is caliberated with gps output.

But when we have sensors like ACCELEROMETER and GYROSCOPE to determining the inclination of aeromodel with respect to the earth inertial frame than i think we need not to bother much about determining wind vector( Thats an easy approach) using complicated functions

well its what all ii think.well in the next post i had got something to determine the inclination of any inertial frame with respect to earth inertial frame with and without using the KALMAAN filter.


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